Southern Nevada Water Authority Investor Relations

Issuer Overview
Southern Nevada Water Authority Investor Relations

Issuer Type: Water / Sewer

Issuer Overview
Southern Nevada Water Authority Investor Relations

Issuer Type: Water / Sewer

Welcome to Our Investor Relations Site

January 25, 2018 - User Image

On behalf of the residents and businesses of Southern Nevada, I would like to welcome you to the Southern Nevada Water Authority investor relations website. Bonds are an important tool to help fund needed improvements and repair and replace Water Authority supply resources, water intakes, pumping stations, and water treatment facilities.

This dedicated investor website is consistent with the Southern Nevada Water Authority's continued commitment to being transparent with the investor community and the public.

I hope you find this website useful to better understand the credit fundamentals of the Southern Nevada Water Authority.

Thanks again for your interest in the Southern Nevada Water Authority and our financing programs.

Kevin Bethel, Chief Financial Officer